
Extra Set of Eyes

28.01.20 02:34 PM By Samantha Lape

See what I did there? ^

Original Posting 09.03.18

This past Saturday I had the opportunity to be part of the Glasses for Kids Program offered by the Flaum Eye Institute and work with them on a trial phase use of the COMET database. I went into the morning not knowing what to expect; my only understanding of the program was the notes that I had taken at our monthly meetings and the setup that we'd done internally for their database. I must say, I was completely blown away! The program was a well-oiled machine, from the in-take services to the vision screening, ultimately resulting in children being fitted for their own pair of glasses. 

To work COMET into the process, we set up our online application to match the data that was being filled out by the participants. An employee at the University of Rochester was taking the information from the paperwork, entering it into the online application and submitting it, thus creating the child's record in COMET. Next, I worked with the team members in the back who were the ones completing the Service Transaction in COMET (using our Service and Case Management module) along with all corresponding data that was being collected on a given child. We used fake data for this trial phase so the process was a mock-scenario reflecting the flow of the program.

Feedback that I received after their initial exposure to COMET was very positive. The person who was entering data via the online application found that it was straight-forward and easy to use. After going to work with the team in the back, the process was easy to follow and the instrument to enter the data was a match with the data that they collected. If I had to give my honest opinion, I would say that this was a huge success and a big step towards their end-goal of using COMET to represent the critical services that they are providing to our youth. cool

This post was written by Brandon, one of our COMET Account Managers. Thanks for sharing, Brandon! For more information about COMET features click here or contact us to learn more about using the COMET Service and Case Management module with your program.


Samantha Lape