Virtual Data Sharing Workshop

14.10.21 05:05 PM By Samantha Lape

Sharing Data To Serve Your Kids... Are You Ready?

Join us on Thursday, December 9th and 11:00 AM EDT for a virtual workshop-style roundtable discussion with other child-serving organizations in various stages of the collaborative process. Everyone will leave with an understanding of the possibility of a collaborative approach and the steps necessary to be ready to implement it.

Your organization and your schools are serving the same children; wouldn't it be great if you could know how the children are doing in school - grades, behavior, attendance, etc. You could collaborate to understand the value of the programs you're providing, including measured improvements, attendance, etc. You could have real-time data that enables your community to understand the difference your organizations are making.

      1. Participants will complete a short readiness quiz before the workshop so that they can enter the conversation with an understanding of where they already are in the process from a data sharing perspective.
      2. Participants will be introduced to a School-Age Collaborative in Ohio that we have helped to implement a data-sharing collaborative between, the local school district, community leaders, CBO's, OST's, and more.
      3. Participants will leave with contacts and a deeper understanding of what's possible and the next steps necessary for their community to move forward and begin breaking down the silos of information in their community.

Please register using the form below. We hope to see you there!

Samantha Lape