
COMET Parent Portal

28.01.20 02:29 PM By Samantha Lape

Original Posting 16.01.19

One of the most exciting developments to come from COMET is happening - The COMET Parent Portal! We have a beta version in production and one special customer, GROW Rochester, who is in a pilot rollout phase. We also have secured funding to develop phase 2 of the portal with some exciting additional features - the ability for parents to complete assessments through the portal, a messaging system, the ability to view attendance records, and much more!

The COMET Team is really excited about this project. It's been in design over the last couple years, and now with the pilot we can begin to demonstrate that connecting with parents can make all the difference in the effectiveness of programs. We hope this parent portal will serve as one way for our customers to bridge the gap between home and school, or between home and afterschool. All the research and best practices agree, connecting with parents is critical and truly makes a difference.

We hope you're excited as we are. The parent portal isn't just a new population for us to connect with, we're focused on using new design and technology as well as mobile development, with lots more new things to come. For now, all we can say is that we're diligently working on it, but as timelines for a general rollout are developed we'll be sure to let all our customers know. In the meantime, connect with your Account Manager if you're interested in learning more ASAP - maybe we can arrange a sneak peek for you! Just email

Samantha Lape