
COMET Presents: Birth to Three Alliance Annual Meeting

28.01.20 02:38 PM By Samantha Lape

Original Posting 16.08.17

The past few months have been busy for COMET with lots of new faces, new places and new projects. One of the highlights was our presentation to the Adirondack Foundation's Birth to Three (BT3) Alliance at their annual meeting back in May. We gave an overview of our project with Chemung County and Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Developmental Services (CIDS) as they work to create a database of the children in their county beginning as soon as they’re born with a newborn registration completed at the local hospital.

This county project focuses on the ages of 0 to 5 beginning with birth and following families from prenatal to home visitation programs and up to school readiness and those related assessments. From a partnership beginning with the County and CIDS that extends across multiple service providers, the question of data sharing was important. There was also the important consideration of parent consent.

COMET has been able to support this project because of our philosophy for data sharing and how we track services delivered, either as a group or one to one. We presented on various options communities and counties have for sharing data across providers, either integrated into one database or distributed across multiple client and brought together through an interface, see our graphic below.

For more information, check out our resource on Community Data Sharing.

Samantha Lape